Stacy Carlson

Communications & Ecology

United States

I am a versatile and meticulous writer and communications professional with more than 15 years of experience working in person and remotely. I provide persuasive web and print assets, blog and newsletter articles, brochures, interviews, product descriptions and more. A passion for sustainable living and healthy natural ecosystems drives my work, and I am committed to the ongoing work of making all that I do inclusive, accessible and welcoming to everyone.

With a master's degree in creative writing, I am a capable short- and long-form storyteller across print and digital platforms.

I am a gracious and efficient project manager for long-term and project-based clients across sectors, with specialized expertise in environmental conservation, health & wellness, social entrepreneurship and mission-driven, green businesses.

A little more about me: I am a published novelist whose work has been reviewed in the New York Times and elsewhere. Storytelling and environmental stewardship are my two deepest passions, and my background also includes work as a naturalist/environmental educator, historical ecologist, fish cannery worker, hot springs caretaker, field crew on a bird refuge in SE Alaska, and hiking guide in Big Sur.

To learn more about me, feel free to visit

Edible Minnesota
In Praise of Local Tea

Feature Article for Regional Food, Farmer, and Community Magazine

Women's Environmental Institute
2023 Annual Report

Wrote, designed, and produced annual report for nonprofit environmental justice organization.

Two MJV Programs Track Monarchs and Habitat Across California

If you follow monarch conservation news, you know that both eastern and western populations of North American monarchs are in steep decline. That said, right now monarchs west of the Rockies run the greatest risk of passing the quasi-extinction threshold of 20,000 to 40,000 monarchs (quasi-extinction is the point at which extinction is likely inevitable).

The California Working Lands Free Seed Program: Reflections on a Season of Growth

Update: The California Working Lands Free Seed Program is now accepting interest forms for the 2022 season. If you are a farmer or other working land manager interested in learning more and/or contacting us to participate, please visit the program page here. Technical assistance and habitat resources are also available for working land managers in the Midwest.

Renewable Energy Meets Pollinator Habitat in Minnesota Solar Fields

Up to 99% of native northern tallgrass prairie in the U.S. has disappeared since European settlement ( Samson and Knopf, 1994). This loss of habitat is devastating for pollinators including the iconic monarch butterfly, which depends on native milkweed species and a variety of nectar plants to survive.

Content Writer & Editor
We Are Open Circle: Modern Organizational and Personal Development

We are Open Circle is a training organization focused in leadership & personal development training, organizational behavior change, and executive coach & facilitator certification. We offer an organization wide training and development program through Beyond Listening our online interactive platform. Built for our clients dedicated to developing culture, leadership, and collaborative strategy into the fabric of their everyday work.

Editor & Feature Article Writer
Esalen Institute July–December 2019 Catalog

PDF of Esalen Institute's semiannual print catalog, distribution 30,000. This PDF will download to your computer when you click on it. I wrote editorial content including feature articles, program highlights and faculty interviews. I provided editing services for all program descriptions including substantive and line editing.

Editor & Feature Article Writer
Esalen Institute January–June 2019 Catalog

PDF of Esalen Institute's semiannual print catalog, distribution 30,000. This PDF will download to your computer when you click on it. I wrote editorial content including feature articles, program highlights and faculty interviews. I provided editing services for all program descriptions including substantive and line editing.

"Creating a Vision for the Season Ahead" article for Esalen Institute

Here in coastal California, heavy rains characterize the winter months. This year, they extended well into March, which has influenced spring activities in the Farm & Garden. In addition to harvesting overwintered greens and planting trays of seed starts, Esalen farmers have been cultivating one of the intangible qualities at the heart of sustainable agriculture.

"The Sixth Annual Esalen Inspirational Film Festival" article for Esalen Institute

Cinema is a powerful creative art form that transports viewers to new realms, both real and imagined. Films entertain, of course, but they also have the potential to educate and inspire. From An Inconvenient Truth and The Cove to Waiting for Superman , films can expand our horizons and encourage us to take action in our lives and communities.

Developmental, line and copy editor
Stacy Carlson Editorial Services

There are two foundations at the heart of my freelance communications practice: Meticulous attention to the mechanics of language and the art of storytelling Gracious communication centered on supporting and amplifying your unique voice and goals As a writer, whether I am working with you to create website content or marketing collateral such as articles, brochures, grant applications, blog features or social media campaigns, I also am researching your markets, deepening your brand and...

Published by Steerforth Press, distributed by Random House
Among the Wonderful, a novel by Stacy Carlson

In the autumn of 1840, PT Barnum purchased an outdated museum on the corner of Broadway and Ann Street in Manhattan. He was a newcomer to the city and still unknown to the world, but with uncanny confidence and impeccable timing he transformed the dusty natural history collection into a great ark for public imagination.

Orion Magazine | Giacomini Wetlands, California

by Stacy Carlson - When I arrived in Point Reyes Station, I was burnt out and fed up. The stress of living in Oakland and the San Francisco Bay Area had gotten to me: skyrocketing cost of living, unaffordable housing, displacement and homelessness, and the jarring losses of civic and cultural life due to gentrification.